The national dishes of Asian cuisine are varied, but there are details that unite them. For example, rice, noodles, and vegetables are widely used in each country. They are cooked in different ways, using a variety of additions: meat, seafood or sauces depending on the region of preparation. All Asian cuisines are distinguished by a large number of aromatic spices and seasonings, which gives dishes a pleasant piquancy that gourmets will appreciate.

Cuisine of Central Asia
Central Asia consists of the states which were formerly part of the Soviet Union: Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and nearby Mongolia. Countries differ in culture and traditions, but their cuisines are similar in many ways. Most dishes are made of beef, lamb and horse meat. Pork is only eaten in Mongolia. This difference is due to religious traditions.

Otherwise the products of Asian cuisine of this region are very similar. Meat is roasted, stewed with vegetables, and served with cereal porridge or noodles. One of the most popular dishes is pilaf, which in most countries is considered a holiday treat, and cooking it is a whole ceremony. No less popular is beshbarmak – finely sliced boiled meat with noodles, which is also served on holidays.

South Asian cuisine
South Asian cuisine is primarily Indian dishes, as well as Nepalese, Tibetan, and Pakistani. Most of the dishes here are vegetarian. Modern Asian cuisine presents recipes in these regions using poultry. The exception can be considered Pakistan – in this Muslim country they use beef and mutton.

South Asian cuisine is characterized by a large number of spices, mainly curry, which gives dishes a spicy taste and original flavor. Spices occupy one of the most important places in the recipes of dishes of this region. They activate the processes of digestion and protect against numerous infections.

East Asian Cuisine
Asian Oriental cuisine is represented by two regions: the Southeast and the Far East. The first includes Singaporean, Thai, Vietnamese, Indonesian cuisine, which is an interesting mix of Chinese, Indian, Arabic and even European (thanks to the numerous immigrants). To the second – the most popular Asian cuisines: Chinese, Japanese, Korean.

What distinguishes these cuisines is the abundance of fish and seafood, which go well with rice or noodles, as well as sauces and spices in the main dishes. There are legends about their benefits, and they fully justify them.

Special attention should be paid to the first courses of these countries. The national Asian cuisine soups recommend the most interesting, for example Japanese soup kimchi (although the Koreans consider it their national dish) or Chinese wonton, very similar to our transparent soup with dumplings.

You are interested in Asian cuisine – vegetable salads with chicken or seafood, dressed with national flavorful sauces will attract the piquant flavors of spices unaccustomed to the American.